Friday, October 27, 2006

Ad's Surprise @ Marco's

We tried to have a birthday surprise for Adrian in Marco's Pizza. Tried lah, tried. Unfortunately, he was too smart for us. Or we're just too dumb for him. I don't know.
It sort of take jadi.
Abit lah"....Uh, Adrian. My car broke down. Can fetch me from Marco's Pizza?" Envyno bluffing, in her most unconvincing voice.

...."EH! You all dunno how to bluff properly wan ah?!"....
Then some kind hearted soul said "Aiyah, nevermind lah. It's the thought that counts mah!"....PheW! The Line that saved Envyno.

"He's here! He's here!"...."SURPRISE!"...*whoosh*...."Eh? No more fire!" -_-....Adrian, re-light his own candles. They got blown out by the aircond [yes, Marco's has very powerful air conditioning]....

Adrian, trying very hard to fake a surprised look. Seriously tak jadi yo...

....I think Aaron Goh looked more surprised lorrr....

But it doesn't matter cause...Marco's Pizza has the yummiest toppings with the most generous portions of chewy, stringy cheese ever!

Delightful! I.HEART.CHEESE.

...And then we had the most sedappp-est chocolate walnut cake. Moist and chocolatey and nutey all at the same time!! And it's not from Secret Recipe! GASP! Yes folks, Secret Recipe DOES NOT make the best cakes in town.

...after dessert, we had the hot pizza chef for cuci mata. I likey! I likey!

...happy people. After a hearty meal...7552525 is not our speedials anymore. Nah-uh...not after Marco's baby! =)

Thursday, October 26, 2006


.....'Nuff said!

Trash Talk

I'm not into politics, I probably won't vote [malas to queu lah] and I mostly skip the 'politics part' when I read The Star. I can't be bothered with the Tuns, Dato' Seris, Yang Berhormats...not my cuppa. However, I'm not completely ignorant. I do try to keep abreast of things. I did find the whole Rafidah-sobbing-on-TV thing quite entertainting. And recently, something on the news caught my eyes. There he was, the old obnoxious man-famous for his venomous tongue, making a fuss out of everything. It's obvious that he's lacking in attention. I think he should stop poking his nose in other's people's business. Why can't he be like other normal retirees? He's loaded. So rent a boat or go live in the mountains or take up knitting or something.... Envyno thinks that Dr. M is nyanyuk di. I think so too lor. I read an article that suggested "...Dr Mahathir represents the will of the people. The vast majority of Malaysians, Malays as well as non Malays, realise that Abdullah is a weak and incompetent leader. They would like to have a better Prime Minister".... I don't think Abdullah is weak or incompetant. I have come to like him more & more. He is a picture of grace to me, a complete opposite of our previous cakap banyak PM. In this country where everything seems to be taboo and sensitive, I appreciate his silence. However, most Pak Lah supporters would like him to grow a spine and justify himself regarding this attack by Dr M. I think and I hope he will do that in due time.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Tan Clan

So it's Raya.
We are so damn muhibbah that we had to have a family gathering.
It was The Cousin's Birthday today.
Valerie with the curly hair who used to look so slim & pretty.
Now she's a fat kid. But still damn cute lah.
Wad? Fat is cute wad!!

Uhhh Val, I can see your double chin. Take another one lah

Ahh, see-so much better. Who's a pretty girrrrl??... *pinch fat cheeks*.

Then, everybody wanted to take pics.

The Grandfather, The Grandmother, The Father & The Cousin-he suffers from autism, but I think he's the sweetest thing.

Why do I get a nagging feeling that she doesn't like me? She looks damn unhappy lor. The why-must-I-take-a-pic-with-this-madwoman type of face. It's the awkward age where you hate everyone....yeah rite. I am such a sucker.

* * *
The Grandmother : *POKE POKE*...Wei-Lu wu BoyFlen boh? [Wei-You got BoyFlen anot?]
Pardon my atrocious Hokkien
Me, The Filial Granddaughter :*Shakes head furiously thinking, uh-oh not again, groannn*

The Grandmother to The Aunt :Ai Mai Kai siau ta-poh ho ee bat? [Want to intro guys to her?]
Me, The Filial Granddaughter :*smile. Shakes head. smile always*
The Aunt :Write down your vital stats & preferences then I can find for you lah...
Me, The Filial Niece :*smile. Thinks-Wah serious anot?*

That's WHY I purposely go to Family Gathering

To get The Golden Question. Every time, WHY LAH WHY?!

I will not e a virgin at 30! I will not be a virgin at 30! I will not be a virgin at 30! I will not be not be a virgin at 30! I will not be a virgin at 30!

* * *

Val & Sabrina-blur-like-sotong. See Sabrina's mushroom-ugly-like-mad hairstyle? Yesterday Sabrina, for some reason, asked Val to cut her hair. And Val just had to oblige. Smart Girl. When I was that age-I'd give ANYTHING to cut my sister's hair. Take advantage of younger sisters while you still can!

We spent most of the time eating, taking pictures & watching High School Musical -_-
So thats raya for me....
Tmr going Dad's employees open house. Eat ketupat & beef rendang. Grow Fat Fat...

Friday, October 20, 2006

One day in Bombay

Yesterday, Deepvali Eve- The Mother and I decided to make way to Little Bombay in Brickfields. Every year just before Deepavali, the quaint little town of Brickfields springs to life. Rows and rows of makeshift stalls line the streets as the town comes alive with throngs of people making last minute purchases before their big celebration. It really does get you into the festive mood.

We went there for shopping. It might not be the most comfortable place to shop, and don't expect mirrors or fitting rooms. It was incredibly humid and expect to be pushed, shoved and having your foot trodded on. Oh yes, did I mention the jam & parking is hell? But if you can look beyond all that, it's amazing what you can find there =)

Sarees Galore! Ooh I just love how the colours jump right at you....

If you are like me, and you are into ethnicity then that's the place for you to be. There were endless amounts of punjabi suits, and all the other Indian costumes that I can't for the life of me name! Most of them were really pretty...and some were just plain garish and frightenning. Less is more people, less is more! OH, I also found the most entertaining top. Bright orange, with some wierd criss cross at the collar, with your favourite Tamil Drama star on it. Sure winner with the girls!

They had some very interesting earrings too, it was like fresh air from the usual 3 for 10 earrings. Gosh, those are sooo passe...Now, these I like.

Nothing is Indian without bangles....I've never seen soooo many bangles at a go! I nearly got a headache just looking at them. Shelves were stacked tall with bangles, every possible corner of the shop had bangles! It's insane, really. But I love bangles. The more the merrier.

I was sooo beat by the end of the day, it's no walk in the park haggling prices with a native Indian who doesn't speak a word of english. However, it was an educational trip- there's something about the Indian culture that fascinates me. I love the sound of bangles clinging, the gorgeous ethnic motives on Indian silk and the smell of freshly fried Vadai....Delightful! Happy Deepavali to you who celebrates it! Now, I shall better get running lest I be late for my Deepavali party tonight. Can't wait to show off the new duds that I bought!

.....Hello, my name is Vimala Tan

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Tan's Greens

There’s something you should know.
I don’t have a green thumb.
I am completely hopeless when it comes to plants.
The most I’ve ever grown is Tau-Geh from a Vitagen bottle.

And that also, was short lived. The Tau-Geh never made it…

My Mother developed a green thumb a few years back when she decided to be a stay-at-home-Mom. While we went to school and Pa went to work, she’d occupy her time by tending to the little plot of land next our home. She frequented nurseries and invested in different kinds of seedlings, fertilizers and garden stuff

And then-my Father got infected. He developed this Papaya Tree craze! He hunted high and low for the perfect Papaya species. He’s very proud of his ‘short-but-fruitful-tree’. Soon, their hard work paid off as we began to enjoy the first fruits of their labour. I remember how excited Pa was when we tasted our first home grown papaya. He couldn’t stop raving about it’s sweetness and texture. It was an itsy bitsy miserable fruit and didn’t taste that fantastic, but the fact that it was home grown made all the difference in the world. When the trees started to bear more fruits, my parents became more paranoid because ‘thieves’ would simply help themselves to the fruits. Ma & Pa kept a watchful eye on the tree and monitored the growth of the fruits. It was their prized possession!

Papaya trees are childs play.

Ma graduated to flowers and vegetables of every kind. Nurturing and watering them everyday. I don’t really know if she talks to her plants-I certainly hope not!! Splashes of yellow, purple, red, green sprouted from every corner of my home. At first, I wasn’t accustomed to it. Like I said, I’m not so much of a plant person. But now, I quite like them. Sometimes you’d get a butterfly or two perched on a flower, it’s really quite a pretty sight.

I feel like Tarzan who lived in a jungle

Peppers & some of the flowers...

Pa was crazy about his fiery cili padi tree that eventually withered and died. And then he wanted to move on to tomatoes, but I don’t think that worked either. Haha. But he does spend a lot of time on those yellow and orange flowers-uh,I dunno know what you call them. But we’ve got a massive bush of it growing outside. So if your mother wants any, please, help yourself.

It’s nice to see my parents obsessing over the garden. When you grow older, it’s very important to keep your mind occupied, especially when your kids are busy running around exploring the big bad world. Even if all the plants die, I’m glad they have each other to obsess over…

Sunday, October 08, 2006

I'm Lovin it!

Wierd things I found in McDonalds
Grape jam, and a man with a rugby ball on a burger box? How's that supposed to whet your appetite?
Hmmm, maybe I haven't been going to McD's for awhile lah.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

A community service message

The hazey lazy days are back.

It’s just so depressing.

And I’ll have to say, the release of Tata Young’s hit single El Nin-yo is really quite appropriate for this weather.

Gosh, have you seen the MTV for that?

On the Slut Scale, Paris is waaaayyyy down there baby.

But seriously, if you’re not in the Klang Valley, the haze is really quite bad. I was stuck in a jam that day [when are we never?] and I couldn’t resist.

I find it hilarious, don’t you think it looks like she’s wearing one side of a white bra? Ok, I won’t be cruel. Maybe she has asthma or her husband is a Nurse and she gets free masks or something.

I’m honestly quite affected by the haze, and apparently the hole in ozone over the Artic has grown bigger or something? And then there’s the global warming-not that I really know what that’s all about…

But hey, I’m a nature lover, well SURPRISE! If you didn’t already know.

I don’t litter, I go camping, I recycle [I even know how to sing the theme song!] and, I like puppies...

So I was thinking, we should all be more responsible and help poor Mother Nature, she’s coughing her poor ancient lungs out after all this haze. I really don’t get it with people who litter, esp when there’s a bin like, 2feet away! Tsk, so caveman. And I’m not sure, but I think when you smoke, you contribute like...1 micronano-percent to the haze. I mean, why not?! Makes perfect sense to me!

So, say Tak Nak! And, love Mother Nature, plant a tree!

That was a community service message from

Monday, October 02, 2006

Nice Boots Paris!

Altho, I can't help but notice
The resemblance is uncanny....