Friday, December 19, 2008


I love the dead of the night...
Finally, some alone time!

What a crazy past few weeks!
'Tis the season to be running around.
Caroling, parties, gift wrapping, practices & more practices!

You know Christmas is near when you make your coffee extra potent & down it all in one gulp, hoping that it'll get you thru another long day. Yeah, that's the Christmas spirit baybeh!

Ahhh, but tonight. Is my night.
My mind is swirling with a thousand thoughts.

And I'm getting the year end blues.
Nostalgic is me.

I've never been good at saying goodbye.
Or maybe I'm just chicken shit & afraid of what the coming year has to bring.

I cannot believe how time eludes me.

When I was a kid, 20mins felt like such a loooooonnnnggg time.
And I would wish & wish that time would pass by faster.

But now...20mins is one episode of Friends.

Sometimes I wanna live in a hole in the ground.
So I can be denial.
Like the story of the Mole who lived in Denial?
Ok, there is no such story.

But I stop every so often to think about how much of my life has passed.
Then I feel abit miserable because I wish I'd done more.
And then I pick up from where I left off and carry on with this life-that-should've-done-more.

The whole process is pointless & a complete waste of precious, limited time.

Does thinking about doing more with your life actually make you consciously do more with it?
Maybe the fact that you've 'actually thought of it' makes you feel good? Accomplished even.

Hey! I've thought about how I should've done more with my life.
Shucks. I really should've.
*Takes a moment*
Yes, now I feel so profound.

Yeah, I really do.
It's been a good night.