Tuesday, October 28, 2008

television obsession

So, I've devoured 4 seasons of Greys Anat. & Desp Housewives...
(and am waiting for the fifth season)

It's getting abit old. Yawn.

So I decided to try out 30 Rock.
Since I've heard rave reviews about it.
*Best comedy series at Emmy Awards
**Tina Fey : Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series

I absolutely am positively hooked!

It's so super funny. Can die.
If you like twisted, sarcastic, totally inappropriate, Arrested-Development-type of humour ; then you should really start 30Rock.

I like that dude Kenneth the most.
He said :
"To quote Jerry McGuire ; you made me a complete person"
"When you said hello, you had me"

Hahahaha. Snort.



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