Thursday, October 26, 2006

Trash Talk

I'm not into politics, I probably won't vote [malas to queu lah] and I mostly skip the 'politics part' when I read The Star. I can't be bothered with the Tuns, Dato' Seris, Yang Berhormats...not my cuppa. However, I'm not completely ignorant. I do try to keep abreast of things. I did find the whole Rafidah-sobbing-on-TV thing quite entertainting. And recently, something on the news caught my eyes. There he was, the old obnoxious man-famous for his venomous tongue, making a fuss out of everything. It's obvious that he's lacking in attention. I think he should stop poking his nose in other's people's business. Why can't he be like other normal retirees? He's loaded. So rent a boat or go live in the mountains or take up knitting or something.... Envyno thinks that Dr. M is nyanyuk di. I think so too lor. I read an article that suggested "...Dr Mahathir represents the will of the people. The vast majority of Malaysians, Malays as well as non Malays, realise that Abdullah is a weak and incompetent leader. They would like to have a better Prime Minister".... I don't think Abdullah is weak or incompetant. I have come to like him more & more. He is a picture of grace to me, a complete opposite of our previous cakap banyak PM. In this country where everything seems to be taboo and sensitive, I appreciate his silence. However, most Pak Lah supporters would like him to grow a spine and justify himself regarding this attack by Dr M. I think and I hope he will do that in due time.


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