The First Christmas present
It was a gift from my aunt.
My first Christmas gift!
Ohhh boy ooohh boyyy...
I luuurrrrvvveee presents.
Like a hungry beast, I ripped it open and emptied the contents on my bed.
And to my utter horror...
Was the most gaudy Leopard print top, with swirly motives & gold dust all over it.
It was very very...Agogo indeed.
And I'm too conservative to be caught dead wearing such an offensive thing.
The whole present-ripping-rush was over in a moment.
Quickly, I shoved it into a bag & handed it to Ma.
"Nah, give you. Don't want"
My mother has always tried to be optimistic & encouraging.
Especially when it came to things like horribly ugly clothes.
She said ; "Aiyoh. Nice what. I think you should keep it. You never know, 30yrs time this might be the fashion. Fashion is like that wan, it will always come-back"....
And guess who was in my house this morn when I woke up?
The Leopard Print Aunt! Grawwwwll!
I tip toe-ed out of my room hoping she wouldn't notice me.
But she did!
And like all Hokkien women, she yelled "Eh Liza! You like the baju I gave you anot?"
I made a sleepy muka bodoh and said "Huh? Oh yah. Like"
Then made a mad dash for the toilet before she could ask me to put it on for her or something crazy like that.
Christmas & Family obligations.
I think relatives should stick to giving us money.
So. Merry merry Christmas!
yea. truly! cash is lot better thn presents xP
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