Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Potty Training 101

One of the more challenging things that I've had to do in DayCare is Potty Training.

This is new to me. It's alot like potty training your dog I guess. Not that I have a dog, but I've read it somewhere and the techniques are similar.

When we think they're old enough, we strip them off their diaper- cold turkey. We show them the dreaded Potty and tell them that they are to do Number 1 in there.

Most of the time they make yellow puddles on the floor and you try really really hard not to go berserk, because you'll be the one mopping up and washing bum bums.

I read that it's very demoralizing for the child if you yell at them for wetting themselves. You're supposed to reward them with a cookie or something everytime they successfully pee in the potty.

But trust me, when you have 3 or 4 kids Potty Training at the same time, it. is. so. not. funny.

So to avoid things like that from happening too often, I have to constantly ask them ;
"Do you want to shee shee?"
"OK, come. Let's go shee shee"

No means yes. And yes means- well, yes!

This is a video of me trying to brainwash Shane. I thought if I repeated it enough times, he would eventually get it. The video is quite annoying, because I keep repeating myself and that reminds me of my mother -_-

However, I am proud to say that Shane hasn't wet himself this entire week! Bravo!

1- Potty, Nil- Diaper


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Shallow, but true.

Everyone is blogging about our Malaysian space man. I also wanna say something!

The whole thing is pretty pointless and a complete waste of money. It is an outrage and I am angry angry angry!

But if there's any need for consolation, at least he's hot. I mean, he even looks good in a space suit! A space suit you know! That's like the ultimate fashion faux pas, and he pulls it off.

I haven't seen a single ugly picture of him. He looks good in every angle. You know like how you have your good angle, and your bad angle (the kind where your secret-double-chin shows?) ...well, this guy doesn't.

So as much as you try, you can't really hate him that much.

The conversations always go like this...
"Stupid fella, waste all our money. Nothing else better to do ah?"
"Yalah! But then hor, he is hot lah"
"Tsk. Yah. I know. Is he married?"

I guess the idea was, if you need to pick someone to waste money on- pick an eye candy? Our govt. really knows how to play this game.

So boys and girls, if you wanna hitch a ride to outer space, make sure you hit the gym always.


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Oh, the fruits of my labour

I believe in miracles.
Where're you from? You sexy thanggg...


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

what a freaky pic!

I was looking thru my old photos.

And I found this! It's totally not photoshopped. Like, seriously!


Sunday, October 07, 2007


Dear Diary,

Today Alicia poo-poot(as she calls it) in the potty, and I was summoned to wash her bum bum.

Now, you must know this- ever since Day 1 I had made a conscious effort to avoid doing anything related to Baby Droppings.

You know how I am so geli tahi? The thought alone frightens me.

But as expected I would have to do it eventually, just like any of the other teachers.
My time had cometh...

You can hide from the shit, but the shit won't hide from you.

So the task began.

I didnt dare to look at what was in the potty yet, so I asked her to bend over and sprayed water onto her bum hoping the shit remnants would come off.

There was NO WAY ever that I would stick my hand into her ass & wash it. Spraying should suffice.

So once that was done, I gingerly peered into the potty.

This girl really knows how to make my life miserable.

I saw a massive lump of cow dung mixed with some yellow urine! EUGH!
What a HUGE PILE for a 2 year old! What type of monster is this?!

I held my breath & gained composure. Trying to be scientific, I told myself that it's only digested food
It's food.
It's food.

I almost puked. I felt nauseated. I was giddy. I felt like dying

But I had to go on.

I picked up the potty by the very edge and quickly dunked it's entire contents into the toilet bowl. The shit was the soft type so it slid down very very slowly....

ARGH! It wouldn't go down properly! I had to fill it up with water and dunk it again- and I repeated it a few times.

Dear diary, please tell me- what has my life been reduced to?...


Wednesday, October 03, 2007

A typical day at work

Watch Shane trying to choke slam & kiss Jeremy at the same time!

Starring, Shane, Jeremy and my leg...