Shallow, but true.
Everyone is blogging about our Malaysian space man. I also wanna say something!The whole thing is pretty pointless and a complete waste of money. It is an outrage and I am angry angry angry!
But if there's any need for consolation, at least he's hot. I mean, he even looks good in a space suit! A space suit you know! That's like the ultimate fashion faux pas, and he pulls it off.

I haven't seen a single ugly picture of him. He looks good in every angle. You know like how you have your good angle, and your bad angle (the kind where your secret-double-chin shows?) ...well, this guy doesn't.
So as much as you try, you can't really hate him that much.
The conversations always go like this...
"Stupid fella, waste all our money. Nothing else better to do ah?"
"Yalah! But then hor, he is hot lah"
"Tsk. Yah. I know. Is he married?"
I guess the idea was, if you need to pick someone to waste money on- pick an eye candy? Our govt. really knows how to play this game.
So boys and girls, if you wanna hitch a ride to outer space, make sure you hit the gym always.
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