Thursday, November 08, 2007

1 step closer to a Woman

There's been something that's been bugging me ever since I knew how to be vain.

It's. My. Leg. Hair.

My legs aren't 'hairy' per se, it's know, on-the-hairy-side.
You can live with it. But if you can live without it, even better!

In high school, while my friends were busy waxing and shaving- I made a promise to myself to never touch my leg hair. So I did. I let them grow, and grow and grow.

I had a plantation! And all was good, until one day- my leg hair started to lose it's appeal. I didn't like my on-the-hairy-side-legs anymore. Leg hair made me feel manly.

I yearned to be like all the other girls with smooth, polished legs. Somehow, leg hair didn't seem so cool.

I'd like to think of it as- growing up. That's what happens to you when you turn 21 right? Great Revelations dawn upon you every other day.

So I marched out, and into Watson's and did what a real woman would do! After some consultation from cousin Cindy, I decided to go for painless & easy. The Cowards Cream.

It was my first time. So I wanted to make sure I didnt screw up. I got abit obsessive and read and re-read the instructions making sure I didnt miss any fine print.

The whole process was pretty straight forward. Apply, leave on, step into shower, sponge off.

I'm quite surprised that it actually works. I must admit I was pretty skeptical. But take a look, and you be the judge. (p/s: I'm sorry my on-the-hairy-side-legs are so disgusting. I had to put it up for proof! )

Now, I'm 1 step closer to a Woman. *contented sigh*



At 5:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*blegh!*twitched face like calvin when he eats veggies!(referring to calvin and hobbes)


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